Become a Champion for Education and Advocate for Issues that Impact Our Communities with ZNEF.
We advocate for students, educational equity, and our communities in various ways. Join us in supporting students' access to higher education, influencing education policy through voter engagement, promoting student inclusion and visibility on campus, and more!
Vote Today
Women voters will play a pivotal role in determining the outcome of the 2024 U.S. presidential election. Women comprise the largest group of registered voters, and they tend to turn out at high levels to vote, as 68.4 percent of them did in the 2020 election. The question is, where will women throw their weight?

How to Help
Currently, only 28% of Black Americans and 21% of Hispanic Americans hold college degrees. However, with a significant portion of Black and Brown students being under the age of 25, we have an incredible opportunity to make a lasting impact on future generations. By donating today, you are investing in the education and future success of Black and Brown students, helping to provide them with the resources needed to overcome barriers and achieve their academic goals.
Your support can create lasting change and open doors for the next generation of leaders.